It's the holidays and quite a few of us could use a little extra cash. Well, a new website in Texas could help you get some money in the form of unclaimed property. The nightbeat's Michael Perchick has the story. - Mike and Quitter, the Comptroller's office returned about 281 million dollars worth of property over the past fiscal year, or nearly seven hundred seventy thousand dollars a day. They're hoping an updated website will increase those numbers and expedite the process. - Donna Summer and I assume you as well work hard for your money. You're probably pretty on top of where it goes, checking statements and receipts. But whether in the midst of a move or simply a forgotten account, sometimes that money goes unclaimed. "I'll go through my list of addresses and search for folks' names, and you know, I'd say one out of every four names that I come across I'll find a little bit of unclaimed property," Texas Comptroller's office spokesperson Chris Bryan says. - Bryan uses his holiday cards as a chance to remind friends to look for their money. Their new website,, was designed to make searches easier with an emphasis on shortening the process. "We also added the functionality of being able to upload ownership documents and claim documents directly onto the site," Bryan adds. - So here's how it works: you go to, type in your first and last name. You can even narrow it down by city and zip code. Now, unfortunately for me, I have no unclaimed property, so I'll be back at work tomorrow. But for those of you who do, you can go back and claim your property by uploading your documentation, which can be done right here. - While much of the unclaimed property includes rebate stock dividends or...
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Texas unclaimed property deceased Form: What You Should Know
It is for this reason that I direct you to notify you by U.S. mail (with a copy to your bank), that unclaimed funds will cease to be deposited in your bank account after 30 days and that you hereby give up all claim to said unclaimed funds and agree to reimburse the bank for all monies remaining in your bank account. Please do not write a check or money order for unclaimed property. We can find the information at the bank. Unclaimed Funds from a Texas Corporation If you choose to open a corporation, do not use the name on the official Certificate of Formation. However, if you want your registered owner to have a name on the Certificate, you must file a Certificate of Registration with the Texas Secretary of State. If you have registered your business, but it fails to file Certificate of Registration, please contact the local law enforcement agency in your county. Unclaimed Funds from a Business: In order to be eligible for benefits, the unclaimed property must have been paid for. To obtain a list of all unclaimed fund donors, visit: and choose: Business Owners & Their Unclaimed Property, List of All Unclaimed Properties, and then choose the Business Filings section. If an individual claims a property, we must first see that an individual other than an executor or administrator claims the property.
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